The creation of All The More was the most intense song writing experience I've ever had, with the song pouring out as if it had a life of its own. It kept me up through the night, and then woke me up first thing in the morning to finish itself.
Save Us is a song of lament that reflects my heart when I see the news and feel the hurt around the world. It is heavily influenced by the Psalms and Sons of Korah, an inspirational band who sing the Psalms.
As I Have Loved You (A New Commandment) is about the forgiveness and mercy that I have received in Jesus overflowing to others and a call to the Christian church to be known for our love for one another. It's primarily based on John 13:34-35
The Hannah's Child song is both a lament and a song of conviction. It's about giving back to God what He gives, inspired by Hannah and her grief in the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.
East From Westis about the relief in my life when the huge black cloud and heavy burden was lifted from my back. It's based on Psalm 103:10-12 that promises " far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."
Pamela Joy's personal testimony of coming to faith. "... the story of why I stopped being angry at God, in spite of a world that is full of suffering…"